I am happy that Allah is with me and paying attention to what I do. And when I am talking to you, I am with Allah because this knowledge does not belong to me. All knowledge belongs to Allah and He is sharing His teacherhood through me, as He shared His studenthood through me when I was listening to my Shaykh. And studenthood never ends.
So, Allah gives His jalal [power], this heat and then we are in relationship with Allah in the heat but because our body is made in such a way, we cannot enjoy this heat in the summer, we will enjoy it in the winter, the same heat. But now, we want to enjoy Allah’s cool air. And then we say, “Okay.” But are we conscious of it when we want it? “Oh I want some cool air!” Good, this is for your body. But beware that this is Allah you are enjoying.
Who cleans you when you are in the shower?
When Allah made drowsiness fall upon you, He did it only as a reassurance from Him, and He sent down rain from the sky to purify you, and to remove the pollution (of fear and doubt) of Satan from you, and to strengthen the connection in your hearts, and thus to make your feet firm. (Al Anfal:11)
You get dirty with Allah’s Qahhar and Jabbar, etc. Still you go to the shower, Allah’s water, Mercy, and Allah’s soap, Mercy, cleanse you, right?
So, after all this, what is the expected course is, when you establish this relationship with Allah, seeing and recognizing and being with Allah, then Allah’s love will come. Then Allah will love you and then He will send His love to you, because love will find a place there. But as long as you have your nafs [ego], and you have a relationship with your nafs, Allah’s love is not going to be there.
So, that is why Sufism is purification, cutting your attachments to your nafs, so that your nafs is out, and Allah’s love is in. And then your consciousness, rather than being with your nafs and its attachments which is lust, is with Allah and His love.
It is He Who enables you to travel on land and sea. And when you are sailing on ships with a nice breeze you are happy, but when a storm arrives and the waves come from every direction, and those on board think they will be overwhelmed, then they cry to Allah, making their din [way of doing righteous deeds] pure and sincere, saying, “If You save us from this, we will truly be thankful.” (Yunus:22)
This is an excerpt of the Online Saturday Sohbet given on June 14, 2008 by Murshid Shaykh Taner Vargonen Ansari and edited for this article on 16 November 2020. The translation of the Qur’an verses are also from Murshid Shaykh Taner Vargonen Ansari.
This is part 6 of a special series on how to live with Allah. Did you miss the previous parts? Please find the links to some of the previous ones:
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