Allah is the Warith [Inheritor] of the universes and the earth. (Aal-e Imran:180)
Allah has said, “Do not take two gods. There is only One God, the Highest Power. That is I alone. You should only be in awe of Me.” (Al Nahl:51)
Allah says that everyone is going to return to Him. Nobody will inherit the Earth except Allah. Allah says that He made this Earth rotate from left to right. If you think that you have the power, then make it go from right to left. Has anybody been able to do this? No. Allah says that He makes the day and the night. He has made all the animals. He sent the Prophets and He sent the angels. He has given us everything from the skies and the heavens to the rules and regulations, and the space in between.
The universe by its very existence attests that not only is there a God, there is only one God. There cannot be two gods. If there are two gods, they would limit each other, and when they are limited, then they are not god. God is the one Who has unlimited power and there can be only one power like this, not two. Not even one and a half. If this is so, why are we not paying attention to Him?
And those who hoard that which Allah has bestowed on them of His grace should not think that it is better for them. No, it is worse for them. On the Yawm al Qiyamah [Day of Resurrection] the things that they hoarded will be a collar around their necks. Allah is the Warith [Inheritor] of the universes and the earth. And Allah is well aware of what you do. (Aal-e Imran:180)
Have you not thought about the one who had an argument with Ibrahim [Abraham] about his Rab [Lord], simply because Allah had given him the mulk [sovereignty]? When Ibrahim said (to him), “It is my Rab Who gives life and causes death,” he answered, “I give life and cause death.” Ibrahim said, “Indeed, Allah causes the sun to rise in the east, so you (try to) bring it from the west.” And the unbeliever was stupefied. And Allah does not guide people who are deliberate wrongdoers. (Al Baqara:258)
Allah is the One Who created the universes and the earth, and He sends down water as rain from the sky. By it He produces fruits and crops as sustenance for you, and He also makes the ships to be of service to you, so that they may sail on the sea at His command. And He has also made the rivers to be of service to you. And, to be of service to you, He makes the sun and moon constant in their orbits. He has also made the night and the day to be of service to you. And He gives you of everything you ask of Him, and if you try to count the favors of Allah, you cannot do it. There is no doubt that human beings are unjust, ignorant and ungrateful. (Ibrahim:32-34)
We have thus made (these animals) to be of service to you, to give you an opportunity to be thankful. Their flesh and their blood do not reach Allah, but the taqwa from you reaches Him. (Al Haj:36-37)
Humankind was one ummah [community]. Then Allah sent the prophets as givers of good news and as warners, and sent down with them the Scripture with the truth, so that it would establish the criteria for judgment between human beings concerning the matters in which they differed. (Al Baqara:213)
All living creatures and the angels in the universes and on earth do sajda to Allah. They are not proud or arrogant. They fear their Rab above them and do as they are told (by divine authority). Allah has said, “Do not take two gods. There is only One Ilah, the Highest Power. That is I alone. You should only be in awe of Me.” (Al Nahl:49-51)
Allah: lit., The God; The Highest Power
ilah: higher power; god
taqwa: self-vigilance; following the guidelines of Allah; watching over
one’s deeds to conform with Allah’s rights and wrongs; devotion
ummah: nation; community; group
This is a continuation of the edited excerpt of the newsletter, Call of the Divine, Vol.8 No.3 (April 2002). Both the article and the translation of the Qur’an verses are from Es-Seyyid Es-Shaykh Taner Vargonen Ansari. Published here on April 29, 2024.
Oneness and Multiplicity – Part 1 of 2
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Love, peace and togetherness in goodness
Ya Wadud Ya Salaam Ya Jami Ya Nafi