Zikr and Protocol for Virus

All Power belongs to Allah
24 February 2020
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22 March 2020
Zikr and Protocol for virus

Zikr and Protocol for Corona virus or any other types of viruses

First of all do not panic, stay calm.
What you do, you have to do it properly. Do everything with your connection.


All together with your heart, brain and ‘you’ consciousness, direct this energy to whatever you want to do. Your brain is going to tell you or you are going to use your brain to do the zikr.

For example, this virus, what do we want to do? We want to stop this virus.

We think of the virus, we make connection and direct it to the affected area and the whole world and read: Ya Kafi Ya Mani.
Kafi means Enough. Mani means Stop. Ya Kafi Ya Mani.

If you want it to go away, then you add Ya Dafi, Ya Dafi. But you have to contemplate. So you think of the whole world and this virus getting out of the world, being sent to the sun; the heat of the sun will kill them.

As a Tariqa [Sufi Order], we have to do Group Zikr 2-3 times/week thinking of the virus as described above and saying:
Ya Kafi Ya Mani
Ya Dafi

This has to be 101 times each.

Also, think of the patients and say:
Ya Shafi Ya Nasir Ya Salaam [Healing, Help, Peace].

Earth needs your input, cooperation. This is our home and we need to protect it.

Protocol for people or an individual, for Corona virus or any other viruses

Observe the precautions given out by each government/information center in your country.

In addition to that follow our protocol:
1. Have a good alcohol-based mouthwash, like Listerine. Gargle with it in your mouth and your throat at least twice a day. Note that this is not haram [unlawful] because we are not drinking it but using it as medicine.

2. Also use the mouthwash to sanitize your toothbrush after use.

3. Scrape your tongue with a tongue scraper.

4. Wash your face and your hands with soap often, especially when you come from outside.

5. Cleanse your nose with saltwater solutions.

In short, do a mouth, nose and face cleansing and, if possible, use water in the bathroom to cleanse yourself after using the toilet.

As a good Muslim, wash your hands and face up to your elbows five times a day.

Do not be in crowds unless you have to.

No handshakes. Just greet each other by Sufi greeting: put your right hand on your heart, bow down a little bit and say Hu to each other. Otherwise, just say hi and bye and do not touch. Do not get closer more than two feet.

Keep your shopping short and go back home.

Take your shoes off by the door. Put disinfectant wipes by the door to wipe your shoes off.

Wash all the vegetables and fruits that you bring home.

If you were carrying your drinking bottle outside, do not use that at home. Sanitize it first.

Aroma therapy
Put a peeled onion or half an onion in each room. Or boil the onion at least once or twice a week. This works, especially for flu viruses.

Use the Rife protocol. There is a frequency specifically for corona virus. Find out more at http://www.rifepemf.com/

Stay connected

Remember what we all have, most valuable, precious, our connection to Allah. So Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Maybe we take this opportunity to reflect, to reconnect. Instead of fear, replace your fear with connection to Allah. First of all, if we are meant to die we are going to die, there is just no solution to that sort of situation. But if you are dealing with lots of fear, turn that into your connection to Allah by doing zikr of Allah and mentioning Allah’s names so that you do not live with cortisol and whole bunch of stress in your body.

May Allah help all of us and may Allah protect all of us.

Zikr and Protocol for virus


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