An interpretation of the hands of Allah by a nine-year old
Only the Wajha [Countenance] of your Rab [Lord], Dhul-Jalal wal-Ikram [Owner of Majesty and Generosity], will remain. (Qur’an 55:27)
First of all do not panic, stay calm.
According to statistics, there are other things that kills more than this. Every year thousands of people die of tuberculosis. Nobody mentions it. And then malaria, etc. They are not gone, they are just taking lives but they do not take the headlines. Just be careful in your going and coming, etc. So just observe the protocol of the disease center or whichever country you are in, do as they say.
You can read more about protocols here:
Zikr and Protocol for Virus
It may not be practical when you put the face mask on and the virus can come and stay on the surface. When you are putting it on and off, you are taking it in your hand still. In other words, we are not saying it will not stop the virus, but we are saying that it is not practical because you are storing the virus in there, and then every day you have to throw it away, put a new mask on, and now the mask companies are doing blooming business.
It is a life bazaar, everybody is panicking. Now what does this show? These are warnings from Allah.
“Oh! The death is so near! I cannot die like this, I want to live.”
Well, to tell you the truth, death is always near to us. It is Allah Who is protecting us. And if Allah does not let you die, nobody can die. But living a quality life is in your hand. Take care of your health. Do things when it is time to do. Do not wait for a long time. Right away! You have to take care of business right away so that it will be easier to heal and get well.
Let us get back to the fear of death. In the whole world now, these newspapers and media, they need coverers, they need attention so they can sell more advertisement. So they hype you up. And then we are like: “O my God! It is coming!” What is coming? Death! Death is always near you. You are living with death all the time. So when the time comes, your number is up, and good bye! So what must we do?
What must we do? This is why you are here. When you are going on a journey, you get prepared. We get prepared a month before. When we come back from Australia, our luggage, we start putting up the Germany luggage, this, this, this. As we have time, every day we put one item in, or maybe every five days, so that when the time comes, we are ready. So, are you ready for the Hereafter? What is going to happen when you die? Most people do not have any idea. Most people think: “Yes, we are going to die, but not now, later.” Well, after you die, what is going to happen? That is the part. That is the part we come in. What helps you? Your connection.
When you go to a different country, if you are on your own, you do not know where to go, you can get robbed, all kinds of things can happen to you. But if there is some people who can meet you there, and show you the way, take care of you, host you, that is much better and thank Allah that is how we travel.
Everything is scientific. Whatever is going to happen to you after you die depends on you. What are you attracted to and what are you attracting? What names of Allah are you attracting and what are you attracted to?
Allah has two hands, Jalal and Jamal. So you know what the Jamal is: mercy, love, protection-giving, generosity, being considerate, consideration, soft talking and forgiving, being wise, having wisdom, and tolerance. This is Jamal.
Jalal is violence and force, Jabbar, Qahhar. You play games of killing: ‘Pap pap pap pap pap’. So if you like this kind of behavior, then where do you think you are going to end up?
In the Hereafter, they are separate. Here they are together, Jalal and Jamal are together. There, separated. So you are making yourself a new person and designing a new home for yourself.
If you choose to obey Allah’s rules and regulations, recognize them, and come to the understanding that they make sense, they are all for our own good, and then Allah will put you into the Jamal part in the Hereafter, where you will keep on learning Allah forever because Allah’s Jamal has so many categories, etc. You are going to learn and fall in love with Allah again and again and again and again.
But you do not choose this. You choose yourself, you want to be god here. Allah says, “I’ll let you.” Then in the Hereafter you have no hope for His mercies and beauty, Jamal. All you are going to see and keep learning more of is His Jalal and that is going to be painful.
So here we live Allah’s Jalal and Jamal together. When you have pain it is Allah’s Jalal. When you have peace, love and togetherness, it is Allah’s Jamal and our job is to guide you to the place where you want to go as Allah says in Suratul Fatiha [The Opening Chapter of the Qur’an]. If you want to be guided, He will guide you to salvation or anti salvation, it is up to you.
This excerpt of the Sohbet by Murshid Shaykh Taner Vargonen Ansari given on Saturday, 7 March 2020 has been reviewed and edited by Shaykh Nishaat Ahmed Siddiqi et al.
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Blessed is the name of your Rab, Dhul-Jalal Wal-Ikram! (Qur’an 55:78)
Translation by
Murshid Shaykh Taner Vargonen Ansari