Prayers of the heart – Part 2

prayers of the heart

See text for the Positivity Prayers at the end of the blog article

Prayers of the heart

What should we do when talking to people and we see them going down the wrong path, or we see something wrong? We use prayers of the heart. How does your heart change the situation?

1. Ya Hadi Ya Mu’min
We repeat these prayers because they work. If somebody starts getting on your nerves, for yourself and that person, you start doing zikr [repeated remembrance with contemplation] in your heart: Ya Hadi Ya Mu’min (for guidance and acceptance).

2. If they are ignorant: Ya Alim Ya Hakim (for knowledge and wisdom).

3. If they lack love and they are really harsh: Ya Wadud Ya Salaam (for love and peace).

4. If they lack kindness: Ya Latif (for softness and kindness).

5. If they are lazy: Ya Muqtadir Ya Qadir (for willingness and ability to do).

I would like to give you an assignment. Find the person who gets on your nerves the most, and pray while you are talking to them. Whatever comes to your heart, pray for them with Allah’s Names. I have seen really positive and wonderful changes this way. Start with your kids. Then do it in the office.

Good and evil deeds are not the same! Give a positive, good response to an evil deed; then you will see that one who was once your enemy has become your close friend. (Fussilat 41:34)

Work on yourself.

You must pray for yourself as you are going through whatever is driving you crazy. Actually, what is happening is your nafs [ego] is driving you crazy.

And if an incitement from Satan reaches you, seek refuge in Allah. Know that He is Al Sami [The Listener], Al Alim [The All-Knowing One]. (Fussilat 41:36)

With your heart, whenever you think that what you are going through is too harsh: “Ya Latif, Ya Latif, Ya Latif”, and for patience: “Ya Sabur”.

This is an excerpt of the Online Saturday Sohbet given on July 17, 2010 by Shaykha Muzeyyen Vargonen Ansari and published in the newsletter, Call of the Divine (August 2010). The translation of the Qur’an verses is from Murshid Shaykh Taner Vargonen Ansari

You can read another excerpt of this Sohbet here:
Prayers of the heart – Positivity Prayers

Positivity Prayers (PDF version):
Positivity Prayers_02-26-21

Watch on our Aqrtsufi YouTube channel:
AQRT Zikr For A Hopeful World – Part 3: Positivity Prayers

Read more about Names of Allah…

Ramadan article
Fasting of Tariqa

Ya Wadud Ya Salaam Ya Jami Ya Nafi

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